Monday, December 23, 2013

Quote of the Week

You cannot dream yourself into a character;
you must hammer and forge yourself one.

James A. Froude

Monday, December 16, 2013

Quote of the Week

Nothing is a waste of time if
you use the experience wisely.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Quote of the Week

The chains of habit are too weak to be felt
until they are too strong to be broken.
Dr. Samuel Johnson

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Kevin Cordes American Record Swim

Got to see the fastest 100 yard breast in history the other day.  Arizona's Kevin Cordes went :50.70 at the Texas Invite.  He's not a big guy.  He just has a very, very "skinny" recovery, coupled with a powerful kick.

Stroke counts by 25's:

1st = pullout + 4 cycles
2nd = pullout + 6 cycles
3rd = pullout + 6 cycles*
4th = pullout + 7 cycles

Soooo...he went fitty point on a dive, four pullouts, and 23 stroke cycles.  Pretty danged efficient!

*Note how he stretched each of the last three by just enough to hit wall after full cycle.  Great summative judgement!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Quote of the Week

He who labors diligently need never despair;
for all things are accomplished by
diligence and labor.
