Tuesday, July 23, 2019

...it's complicated...

This weekend's meet, that is.  Links:

Warm-Up/Timing Assignments


Lots of important info at those links!

Our swimmers' prelim schedules are below.

Race times are approximate!


ShAC warm-up - 7:50 a.m.

400 free (MB) - 11:52 a.m.


ShAC warm-up - 7:00 a.m.

100 fly (OS) - 8:40 a.m.

200 free (MB & OS) - 9:27 a.m.

100 breast (MB) - 10:37 a.m.

50 free (MB & OS) - 11:10 a.m.

200 medley relay (MB*) - 11:47 a.m.


ShAC warm-up - 7:25 a.m.

200 back (OS) - 9:31 a.m.

100 free (MB & OS) - 9:56 a.m.

200 breast (MB) - 10:45 a.m.

200 free relay (MB*) -  11:44 a.m.

800 free (MB) - 12:44 p.m.

*ShAC coaches will let us know about relays

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Titmus vs. Ledecky (edited)

Edit:  Ledecky has since scratched both the 200 free & 1500 free due to illness.

Titmus with a great kick and the race's fastest last 50 (:29.51) & Ledecky with 2nd slowest (:31.34):

Quote of the Week

Sports do not build character.  They reveal it.

Heywood Hale Broun

Week 15 Attendance

MB - 10/82
LF - 8/80
MM - 10/73
OS - 10/54

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Looking Ahead to August

First, I hope everyone's pleased with our kids' performances this past weekend.  They put up plenty of best times and were able to perform at a very high level all the way through.

Next, I've tried to look into the old crystal ball and come up with a practice schedule through the end of August.  I've added that very tentative schedule below.

We'll be in pre-taper mode (plenty of quality work) this week, then get the kids some rest next week.

The expectation is that everyone will make sure they get some time off in August.  That might mean taking a week (or two) off, or maybe a day (or two) off each week.

Finally, we'll take the first week of September off and then get back on our regular schedule after that.  If there are any new additions to the program for the short course season, we'll give them an opportunity to try out and register that second week of September.

Monday 15th – 5-7
Tuesday 16th – 7-9, 5-7
Wednesday 17th – 7-9, 5-7
Thursday 18th – 7-9, 5-7
Friday, 19th – 7-9, 5-7
Saturday, 20th – 9-10:30

Monday, 22nd – 5-6:15
Tuesday, 23rd – 8-9, 5-6
Wednesday, 24th – 8-9, 5-6
Thursday, 25th – 8-9, 5-6

Monday, 29th – 5-6
Tuesday, 30th – 5-6*
Wednesday, 31st – 5-6*
Thursday, 1st – 5-6*
Friday, 2nd – 5-6*

Monday, 5th – 5-7
Tuesday, 6th – 5-7
Wednesday, 7th – 5-7**
Thursday, 8th – 5-7**
Friday, 9th – 5-7**

Monday, 12th – 5-7**
Tuesday, 13th – 5-7
Wednesday, 14th – 5-7
Thursday 15th – 5-7
Friday, 16th – 5-7

Monday, 19th – 5-7
Tuesday, 20th – 5-7
Wednesday, 21st – 5-7
Thursday, 22nd – 5-7
Friday, 23rd – 5-7

Monday, 26th – 5-7
Tuesday, 27th – 5-7
Wednesday, 28th – 5-7
Thursday, 29th – 5-7
Friday, 30th – 5-7

Note:  Check ShAC schedule for opportunities when in Houston

*A.M. practices w/Aquacats (I’ll be there w/swim camp)?
**Athlete Directed

Week 14 Attendance

LF - 8/72
MB - 8/72
MM - 8/63
OS - 6/44

Quote of the Week

The backbone of surprise is fusing speed with secrecy.
Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz

Friday, July 12, 2019

Swim Camp Change

We're moving our FREE swim camp to July 30 to August 2 (Tuesday-Friday). We'll swim from 8 to 10 each morning. Let's get all our returning high school swimmers out to help!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Schedule (& more)

Kids all looked very good this a.m.!

I've asked each to give me a list of all the workouts they swam while I was out of town.

We'll be using a mini-taper plan this week.

Modified workout schedule for the rest of the week is below.

Also including tapering guidelines.

If y'all haven't yet paid July lap swimming fees to the city, please get to that ASAP.


5-6:30 p.m.


8-9:15 a.m.
5-6:15 p.m.


8-9 a.m.
5-6 p.m.


8-9 a.m.

Tapering Guidelines

Cut back on the caloric intake (you will be burning fewer calories than you were during heavy training)
Cut back on outside activities (we'll rest at the pool - you rest while away from it)
Pay more attention to the "little things" (training intervals will be easier and you'll have a chance to "sharpen" while getting more rest)
Conserve energy (you'll have excess energy that you've not had for months - don't waste it)
Stay positive (both about your upcoming races and your teammates')
Visualize races (take yourself through your races from before the start to after the finish)

Finally, not sure if anyone is planning to shave for this weekend.  If so, here is shaving info:

Shaving Guidelines

• Allow plenty of time and take breaks while shaving for your championship meet
• Electric shavers, Nair, &/or wax are not used in this process
• Have plenty of new razors/blades available before you begin
• Start by using clippers on exposed body hair
Carefully shave exposed body hair
• Be especially careful around shins, wrists, elbows, knees, forearms, and ankles
• Change blades/razors often