Sunday, September 29, 2019

Short Course Week 3 Attendance

MM - 5/12
MB - 4/10
OS - 4/7
LF - 2/5

Quote of the Week

...I am always ready to learn, although
I do not always like being taught...

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Quote of the Week

The true delight is in the finding
out rather than in the knowing.

Isaac Asimov

Sunday, September 15, 2019


It's time for our kiddos to graduate to swimming with shoes.

Please find some inexpensive, lightweight, canvas shoes.

Initially, we'll use them in our warm-up.

Then, we'll gradually incorporate shoe swimming into other sets.

Short Course Week 1 Attendance

MM -4
OS -3
LF - 2
MB -2

Quote of the Week

One fails forward toward success.

Charles Franklin "Boss" Kettering