Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Attendance Update

Current combined (HS/JH/ShAC) Christmas Training Attendance Standings:
1. Felix R (12)
2. Michael V (11)
3. Glory V (10)
4T. Matthew B, Megan M, Oliver S, Ashton W (9)
8T. Suhana K, Sergio R, Sophie S (7)
11T. Julia C, Luke C (5)
13. Lucie F (4)
14T. Victoria S, Chris C, Rachel C (3)
17T. Daniel D, Chris P, Jordan W, Ethan Y (2)
21. Jo Daniel (1)
Remaining schedule:
Dec. 31, 8-10 & 3-5
Jan. 2, 8-10
Jan. 4, 8-10 & 3-5
Jan. 5, 3-5

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Current combined (HS/JH/ShAC) Christmas Training Attendance Standings:
1. Felix R (6)
2T. Suhana K, Glory V, Michael V, Ashton W (5)
6T. Matthew B, Megan M, Sergio R (4)
9T. Julia C, Luke C, Victoria S, Oliver S, Sophie S (3)
14. Chris P (2)
15T. Jo Daniel P, Jordan W (1)
Remaining schedule:
Dec. 28, 8-10 & 3-5
Dec. 29, 8-10 & 3-5
Dec. 30, 8-10 & 3-5
Dec. 31, 8-10 & 3-5
Jan. 2, 8-10
Jan. 4, 8-10 & 3-5
Jan. 5, 3-5
We'll be doing health screening/temperature checks.
I'm a BIG believer in 2-a-day training!  Do your best to take advantage of the remaining opportunities.

ShAC is hosting their distance meet on the weekend of January 9/10.  I have a JH/HS commitment on the 9th, so I'll miss the 500's.  I should be able to attend the meet on Sunday for the miles.
Our high school kids wear a heavy drag suit for workout.  It adds some resistance, without altering body line/position.  Another reason we use them is to protect their regular practice suits from normal wear & tear.  I bought them for my sons to wear in their workouts back in the day.  They are very durable and will save you a lot of money on practice suits!  Below is a link to the site we buy from:

Link to what we buy is here, so you'll get an idea of what we use for fabric, lining, etc.
If you don't follow GoSwim, you miss out on some valuable hints.  We talked to the man behind the videos, Glenn Mills, in an August podcast.  Catch it here.  Below are links to GoSwim on social media:

Quote of the Week

Every strike brings me closer to my next home run.
 George Herman "Babe" Ruth

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Quote of the Week

Eagles come in all shapes and sizes, but you
will recognize them chiefly by their attitudes.
Ernst Friedrich "E.F." Schumacher

Monday, December 7, 2020

Bill Brown Podcast Episode

Once our latest episode shows up on YouTube, I'll embed it below.  In the meantime, catch it on Spotify here

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Quote of the Week

Everybody has to deal with tough times.  A gold medal
doesn't make you immune to that.  A skater is
used to falling down and getting up again.

Dorothy Stuart Hamill

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Chuck Warner Podcast Episode

We had a great talk with Chuck Warner but there are some things that we just have to leave out.
What ended up on the cutting room floor was pretty funny, but rather lengthy.
Also, there was that story Chuck tried to get Coach Abbott to share.  It involved Coach Abbott, SMU, and a late-night incident.  Abbott wisely "passed" on that invitation to share!

So, this ended up being "Part I of I":

Quote of the Week

A team is a group of players who support
one another on court and who think of the
group before they think of themselves.

K.C. Jones

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Victor Swim Club's Mike Murray

Our latest episode isn't up on YouTube yet, but it's available on several other platforms right now.
We visited with Mike Murray, the head coach/owner of Victor Swim Club near Rochester, N.Y.

I'll embed here when the show makes it onto YouTube.  In the meantime, try these links if you'd like to catch it now:

Short Course Week 11 Attendance

1T. OS - 48/54 - 89%
1T. SS - 48/54 - 89%
3. LC - 45/54 - 83%
4. JC - 41/54 - 76%
5. MB - 37/54 - 69%
6. GV - 18/39 - 46%
7. MM - 16/54 - 30%
8. LF - 13/54 - 24%

Group - 64%

Quote of the Week

We cannot return to the past, even if we wanted to,
but let us hope that we can learn something from
the past to make for a better present and future.

Thomas Sowell

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Short Course Week 10 Attendance

1. SS - 46/49 - 94%
2. OS - 43/49 - 87%
3. LC - 40/49 - 82%
4. JC - 36/49 - 73%
5. MB - 34/49 - 69%
6. GV - 18/39 - 46%
7. MM - 16/49 - 33%
8. LF - 13/49 - 27%

Group - 64%

Quote of the Week

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

 Ambroise Paul Toussaint Jules Valéry

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Short Course Weeks 8/9 Attendance

1. SS - 41/44 - 93%
2. OS - 39/44 - 89%
3. LC - 35/44 - 80%
4. JC - 32/44 - 73%
5. MB - 30/44 - 68%
6. GV - 18/39 - 46%
7. MM - 16/44 - 36%
8. LF - 11/44 - 25%

Group - 64%

Former Ohio State U Head Coach Bill Wadley

Very slight naughty word warning.

Coach Wadley is one of the nation's most highly respected swim coaches.
He was kind enough to spend time with us on a wide variety of topics:

Quote of the Week

Letting your mind play is the best way to solve problems.

via Time

William Boyd Watterson II

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Quote of the Week

If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.

Lucy Larcom

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Quote of the Week

The reward for work well done
is the opportunity to do more.

Jonas Salk

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Notre Dame's Mike Litzinger

Enjoyed a chance to visit with another Upstate New Yorker recently:

Today's Averages

OS - 1:00.3
LC - 1:10.1

Short Course Week 7 Attendance

1. SS - 34/35 - 97%
2. OS - 32/35 - 91%
3. LC - 27/35 - 77%
4T. JC - 25/35 - 71%
4T. MB - 25/35 - 71%
6. GV - 16/35 - 46%
7. MM - 12/35 - 34%
8. LF - 7/35 - 20%

Group - 64%

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Quote of the Week

On good teams, coaches hold players accountable.
On great teams, players hold players accountable.

Joe Dumars III

Short Course Weeks 5/6 Attendance

1. SS - 28/29 - 97%
2T. LC - 26/29 - 90%
2T. OS - 26/29 - 90%
4. JC - 25/29 - 86%
5. MB - 22/29 - 76%
6. GV - 13/29 - 45%
7. MM - 9/29 - 31%
8. LF - 7/29 - 24%

Group - 67%

Barely-Naughty Words Warning

We had a very long conversation with Dave Wharton last month via Skype.  Dana edited it waaay down to under an hour.  Really!  There are a couple of spots where the language nearly entered the "colorful" region, but I hope y'all won't be too offended.
Many thanks to Dave for joining our kids via Zoom last month and via Skype for this episode of SwimTalk A2B:

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Short Course Week 4 Attendance

1. OS - 20/20 - 100%
2. SS - 19/20 - 95%
3. LC - 17/20 - 85%
4T. MB - 16/20 - 80%
4T. JC - 16/20 - 80%
6. GV - 11/20 - 55%
7. MM - 6/20 - 45%
8. LF - 5/20 - 25%

Group - 69%

Quote of the Week

Players think:  Play me and I'll show you.
Coaches think:  Show me and I'll play you.

Shaka Dingani Smart

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Quote of the Week


Some people are always grumbling because roses
have thorns;  I am thankful that thorns have roses.

Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Short Course Weeks 2/3 Attendance

1. OS - 15/15 - 100%
2. SS - 14/15 - 93%
3. MB - 13/15 - 87%
4. LC - 12/15 - 80%
5. JC - 11/15 - 73%
6. GV - 8/15 - 53%
7. MM - 6/15 - 40%
8. LF - 4/15 - 27%

Group - 69%

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Tuesday's Averages

OS - 1:01.9
MB - 1:06.7
SS - 1:07.2
LC - 1:08.9
GV - 1:16.9
JC - 1:17.7
MM - 1:18.0

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Quote of the Week

 Character is much easier kept than recovered.

 Thomas Paine


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Short Course Week 1 Attendance

1T. MB - 4/4 - 100%
1T. OS - 4/4 - 100%
1T. SS - 4/4 - 100%
4T. LF - 2/4 - 50%
4T. GV - 2/4 - 50%
6T. JC - 1/4 - 25%
6T. LC - 1/4 - 25%
6T. MM - 1/4 - 25%

Group - 59%

Saturday's Averages

OS - :58.6
MB - 1:02.5
SS - 1:05.0

Quote of the Week

Destiny is not a matter of chance;  it is a matter
of choice.  It is not something to be waited
for;  but rather something to be achieved.

William Jennings Bryan

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Final "Long Course" Attendance Numbers

1. SS - 88/96 - 92%
2. LC - 83/96 - 86% 
3. OS - 82/96 - 85%
4. GV - 81/96 - 84%
5. MB - 80/96 - 83%
6. JC - 78/96 - 81%
7. MM - 74/96 - 77%
8. LF - 52/96 - 54%

Group - 78%

Quote of the Week

If you aren't in over your head, how
do you know how tall you are?

Thomas Stearns "T.S." Eliot

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Quote of the Week

Each player asks three questions every day of their coach:

Can I trust him?
Is he committed to excellence?
Does he care about me?

Clinton Merrick "Clint" Hurdle

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wednesday's Averages

OS - 1:09.2
LC - 1:15.5
SS - 1:15.9
LF - 1:21.4
JC - 1:23.4
GV - 1:26.3

Monday, August 24, 2020

Go Swim's Glenn Mills

Team USA's Glenn Mills (1980) is a video guru.  Wife Rachel is Bob Bowman's assistant at Arizona State University.  Glenn's a very busy guy, but he found a few minutes to share with us!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

12-Week Attendance

1. SS - 78/86 - 91% 
2. GV - 77/86 - 90%
3T. LC - 73/86 - 85%
3T. MB - 73/86 - 85%
5. OS - 72/86 - 84%
6. MM - 71/86 - 83%
7. JC - 68/86 - 79%
8. LF - 46/86 - 53%

Group - 81%

Quote of the Week

Adversity is a university.  Get a degree while you're there.

Jack Easterby

Sunday, August 16, 2020

11-Week Attendance

1. SS - 74/80 - 93% 
2. GV - 71/80 - 89%
3. LC - 70/80 - 88%
4. MB - 68/80 - 85%
5. MM - 67/80 - 84%
6. OS - 66/80 - 83%
7. JC - 65/80 - 81%
8. LF - 42/80 - 53%

Group - 82%

Quote of the Week

Why be a champion jumper or a special team member
in any sport, if you cannot climb or swim?

via Wikipedia

Georges Hébert

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Fun Chat with Northwestern's Katie Robinson

Katie swam under Jill Sterkel at Texas.  She was head coach of the women's program at Tulane before taking over the men's and women's programs at Northwestern.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Saturday, August 8, 2020

10-Week Attendance

1. SS - 70/75 - 93% 
2. GV - 67/75 - 89%
3T. LC - 66/75 - 88%
3T. MM - 66/75 - 88%
5. MB - 63/75 - 84%
6T. JC - 61/75 - 81%
6T. OS - 61/75 - 81%
8. LF - 38/75 - 51%

Group - 81%

ShAC Meet

After being out of the water for two and a half months (mid-March through early June), I was impressed with the kids' showing this weekend!

Meet Mobile has results.  Over half our swims were lifetime bests.

We'd only been back in the water for ten (10) weeks, and that included a few "hiccups" (pool breakdowns, scheduling issues, & weather).

Mark has indicated that we may be able to get in some Monday afternoon/evening workouts this month.

Our revised schedule shows "No Practice" on the 17th, 24th, & 31st.  I'll check with him to see what time we might be able to fit in workouts on those days.

As we return to a once-daily workout schedule, please remember that we won't be burning as many calories as before!  Cut back on the snacking!!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Quote of the Week

This is the precept by which I have lived:
Prepare for the worst;  expect the
best;  and take what comes.

Hannah Arendt Bluecher

Saturday, August 1, 2020

9-Week Attendance

1. SS - 65/70 - 93% 
2T. MM - 63/70 - 90% 
2T. GV - 63/70 - 90% 
4. LC - 62/70 - 89% 
5. OS - 61/70 - 87% 
6. MB - 59/70 - 84% 
7. JC - 57/70 - 81% 
8. LF - 34/70 - 49% 

Group - 79%

Monday, July 27, 2020

2020 Long Course ShAC-BC

8-Week Attendance

1. GV - 59/61 - 97%
2T. SS - 56/61 - 92%
2T. MM - 56/61 - 92% 
4. OS - 55/61 - 90% 
5. LC - 54/61 - 89% 
6. MB - 50/61 - 82% 
7. JC - 49/61 - 80% 
8. LF - 31/61 - 51% 

Group - 84%

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dr. Marshall Scott III

At last night's school board meeting, Dr. Scott expressed his support for our swimming programs.

Below is a link to the video of the board meeting.  Jump to the 1:55 mark to hear his comments on the pool situation.

Thank you Dr. Scott!!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Valiant Pool Issues

Today, various stakeholders met to discuss issues surrounding the Valiant Pool.

The two (2) biggest short-term problems with the pool are a) the stability of the pump room, & b) the cost of operating the pool.

The City of Bay City will discuss proposals at their upcoming regular city council meeting on Tuesday, July 28.

Between now and then, all parties agreed that gathering more information would be necessary before a decision could be made about the status of the pool.

The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. on the 28th.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Quote of the Week

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than
anybody expects of you.  Never excuse yourself.

Henry Ward Beecher

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Another from Mudskipper Blog

We don't spend nearly enough time improving our flexibility.  Now's our chance, right?!?!

It's time to add some stretching to your dry-land routine.

How about gradually improving your flexibility over the course of the next few months?

We've watched swim videos from The Race Club (Gary Hall Sr.) and GoSwim (Glenn Mills).  Below are a couple of stretching videos from Hall & Mills.

Here are today's suggestions: