Sunday, June 28, 2020

Saturday, June 27, 2020

4-Week Attendance

1. SS - 31/31 - 100%
2T. JC - 30/31 - 97%
2T. LC - 30/31 -
2T. MM - 30/31 - 97%
2T. GV - 30/31 - 97%
6. MB - 28/31 - 90%
7. OS - 27/31 - 87%
8. LF - 24/31 - 77%

Group - 93%

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Sprint Freestyle Arm Recovery

From last year:

Gary Hall, Sr. won medals in Mexico City ('68), Munich ('72), & Montreal ('76) and broke world records in the 200 fly, 200 i.m., & 400 i.m.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Quote of the Week

We cannot live only for ourselves.  A thousand
fibers connect us with our fellow men.

Herman Melville

Friday, June 19, 2020

3-Week Attendance

1T. OS - 22/22 - 100%
1T. SS - 22/22 - 100%
1T. GV - 22/22 - 100%
4T. JC - 21/22 - 95%
4T. LC - 21/22 - 95%
4T. LF - 21/22 - 95%
4T. MM - 21/22 - 95%
8 - MB - 19/22 - 86%

Group - 96%

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Pump Motor

The pool's pump motor was making some noise yesterday a.m.

I let Mark know that it sounded like it was going out.

The city posted a Facebook message that the pool will be closed today.

I've asked Mark to let me know about tomorrow's morning practice.

I will share any info on Monday a.m. practice on sportsYou if/when I hear from Mark.

Quote of the Week

Things start out as hopes and end up as habits.

Lillian Florence Hellman

Saturday, June 13, 2020

June Attendance

There have been seventeen (17) workouts so far.  We've got three (3) athletes without a miss.

1T. OS - 17/17 - 100%
1T. SS - 17/17 - 100%
1T. GV - 17/17 - 100%
4T. JC - 16/17 - 94%
4T. LC - 16/17 - 94%
4T. LF - 16/17 - 94%
4T. MM - 16/17 - 94%
8 - MB - 15/17 - 88%

Group - 96%

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Mudskipper Posts

During our pool shutdown, I posted only on the unofficial high school blog, Matagorda Mudskipper Swimming & Diving.

Posts include quotes, dry-land, nutrition, college programs, and more.

If you're interested in what you might have missed, here are links to send you there:

