Monday, July 27, 2020

2020 Long Course ShAC-BC

8-Week Attendance

1. GV - 59/61 - 97%
2T. SS - 56/61 - 92%
2T. MM - 56/61 - 92% 
4. OS - 55/61 - 90% 
5. LC - 54/61 - 89% 
6. MB - 50/61 - 82% 
7. JC - 49/61 - 80% 
8. LF - 31/61 - 51% 

Group - 84%

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dr. Marshall Scott III

At last night's school board meeting, Dr. Scott expressed his support for our swimming programs.

Below is a link to the video of the board meeting.  Jump to the 1:55 mark to hear his comments on the pool situation.

Thank you Dr. Scott!!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Valiant Pool Issues

Today, various stakeholders met to discuss issues surrounding the Valiant Pool.

The two (2) biggest short-term problems with the pool are a) the stability of the pump room, & b) the cost of operating the pool.

The City of Bay City will discuss proposals at their upcoming regular city council meeting on Tuesday, July 28.

Between now and then, all parties agreed that gathering more information would be necessary before a decision could be made about the status of the pool.

The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. on the 28th.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Quote of the Week

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than
anybody expects of you.  Never excuse yourself.

Henry Ward Beecher

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Another from Mudskipper Blog

We don't spend nearly enough time improving our flexibility.  Now's our chance, right?!?!

It's time to add some stretching to your dry-land routine.

How about gradually improving your flexibility over the course of the next few months?

We've watched swim videos from The Race Club (Gary Hall Sr.) and GoSwim (Glenn Mills).  Below are a couple of stretching videos from Hall & Mills.

Here are today's suggestions:

6- & 7-Week Attendance

1. GV - 52/54 - 96%
2. SS - 50/54 - 93%
3T. MM - 49/54 - 91%
3T. OS - 49/54 - 91%
5. LC - 47/54 - 87%
6. MB - 44/54 - 81%
7. JC - 42/54 - 78%
8. LF - 31/54 - 57%

Group - 84%

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Quote of the Week

Never make predictions, especially about the future.

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel

Saturday, July 11, 2020

From Mudskipper Blog

In a dry-land training routine yet?

If you are, this info may help you supplement what you're already doing.

If you aren't, it might be exactly what you need to get moving!

Nicole Harmon is the head age group coach at northern Virginia's "The FISH" swim program.  She shared her Coronavirus Dryland Program via the American Swimming Coaches Association.

The program is a four-day cycle with rotating foci, including a recovery day.  There's also a glossary of sorts at the end of the pdf, so you'll be up to speed with Nicole's terminology.  Outstanding stuff!!!

Reminder:  Our president, governor, county judge, and mayor have imposed tighter restrictions, further limiting our ability to get "out and about".  Do as much as you can without getting in trouble with them!!

Here is today's suggestion:

Friday, July 3, 2020

5-Week Attendance

1T. JC - 38/39 - 97%
1T. LC - 38/39 -

3T. MM - 37/39 - 95%
3T. SS - 37/39 - 95%
3T. GV - 37/39 - 95%
6T. MB - 34/39 - 87%
6T. OS - 34/39 - 87%
8. LF - 28/39 - 72%

Group - 91%

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Bay Villa

This was posted on Facebook today.

IMMEDIATE NEED: Bay Villa Nursing Home - 1) letters to the residents (they loved this and the letters have stopped coming) they need some joy right now. 2) ADULT coloring books and color pencils in individually wrapped ziplock bags 3) word search books or paperbacks in individually wrapped ziplock bags 4) dvds - PG. no violence. No sexual content. Older movies and musicals are great. 5) individually wrapped snacks - cookies, Rice Krispies , etc for the staff 6) happy artwork taped to the outside of windows Bay Villa residents are currently confined to their rooms because of the covid outbreak. They have little to no space so the activities above are what was suggested for their space. They are sad and need our love and attention. Please do what you can to love on our neighbors at Bay Villa. This is the perfect activity for the kids to help with. Drop off items in the box at the Bay Villa door. Also, the residents are unable to use the phone because they have to stay confined to their rooms. We are open to suggestions or if someone has a contact that can help us with this. Burner phones with prepaid minutes is a suggestion but if we can get other ideas, that would help as well. This is the type of thing we raise funds for, but I need to know which direction to go. Any help or suggestions on how to achieve communication for these residents and their families is much appreciated. You may message me Joanna Graham Holt or Dianne Jans Stone with any suggestions to bridge this communication gap for these families.

Swim community, do your thing!