Sunday, October 25, 2020

Quote of the Week

The reward for work well done
is the opportunity to do more.

Jonas Salk

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Notre Dame's Mike Litzinger

Enjoyed a chance to visit with another Upstate New Yorker recently:

Today's Averages

OS - 1:00.3
LC - 1:10.1

Short Course Week 7 Attendance

1. SS - 34/35 - 97%
2. OS - 32/35 - 91%
3. LC - 27/35 - 77%
4T. JC - 25/35 - 71%
4T. MB - 25/35 - 71%
6. GV - 16/35 - 46%
7. MM - 12/35 - 34%
8. LF - 7/35 - 20%

Group - 64%

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Quote of the Week

On good teams, coaches hold players accountable.
On great teams, players hold players accountable.

Joe Dumars III

Short Course Weeks 5/6 Attendance

1. SS - 28/29 - 97%
2T. LC - 26/29 - 90%
2T. OS - 26/29 - 90%
4. JC - 25/29 - 86%
5. MB - 22/29 - 76%
6. GV - 13/29 - 45%
7. MM - 9/29 - 31%
8. LF - 7/29 - 24%

Group - 67%

Barely-Naughty Words Warning

We had a very long conversation with Dave Wharton last month via Skype.  Dana edited it waaay down to under an hour.  Really!  There are a couple of spots where the language nearly entered the "colorful" region, but I hope y'all won't be too offended.
Many thanks to Dave for joining our kids via Zoom last month and via Skype for this episode of SwimTalk A2B:

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Short Course Week 4 Attendance

1. OS - 20/20 - 100%
2. SS - 19/20 - 95%
3. LC - 17/20 - 85%
4T. MB - 16/20 - 80%
4T. JC - 16/20 - 80%
6. GV - 11/20 - 55%
7. MM - 6/20 - 45%
8. LF - 5/20 - 25%

Group - 69%

Quote of the Week

Players think:  Play me and I'll show you.
Coaches think:  Show me and I'll play you.

Shaka Dingani Smart