Sunday, November 29, 2020

Chuck Warner Podcast Episode

We had a great talk with Chuck Warner but there are some things that we just have to leave out.
What ended up on the cutting room floor was pretty funny, but rather lengthy.
Also, there was that story Chuck tried to get Coach Abbott to share.  It involved Coach Abbott, SMU, and a late-night incident.  Abbott wisely "passed" on that invitation to share!

So, this ended up being "Part I of I":

Quote of the Week

A team is a group of players who support
one another on court and who think of the
group before they think of themselves.

K.C. Jones

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Victor Swim Club's Mike Murray

Our latest episode isn't up on YouTube yet, but it's available on several other platforms right now.
We visited with Mike Murray, the head coach/owner of Victor Swim Club near Rochester, N.Y.

I'll embed here when the show makes it onto YouTube.  In the meantime, try these links if you'd like to catch it now:

Short Course Week 11 Attendance

1T. OS - 48/54 - 89%
1T. SS - 48/54 - 89%
3. LC - 45/54 - 83%
4. JC - 41/54 - 76%
5. MB - 37/54 - 69%
6. GV - 18/39 - 46%
7. MM - 16/54 - 30%
8. LF - 13/54 - 24%

Group - 64%

Quote of the Week

We cannot return to the past, even if we wanted to,
but let us hope that we can learn something from
the past to make for a better present and future.

Thomas Sowell

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Short Course Week 10 Attendance

1. SS - 46/49 - 94%
2. OS - 43/49 - 87%
3. LC - 40/49 - 82%
4. JC - 36/49 - 73%
5. MB - 34/49 - 69%
6. GV - 18/39 - 46%
7. MM - 16/49 - 33%
8. LF - 13/49 - 27%

Group - 64%

Quote of the Week

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

 Ambroise Paul Toussaint Jules Valéry

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Short Course Weeks 8/9 Attendance

1. SS - 41/44 - 93%
2. OS - 39/44 - 89%
3. LC - 35/44 - 80%
4. JC - 32/44 - 73%
5. MB - 30/44 - 68%
6. GV - 18/39 - 46%
7. MM - 16/44 - 36%
8. LF - 11/44 - 25%

Group - 64%

Former Ohio State U Head Coach Bill Wadley

Very slight naughty word warning.

Coach Wadley is one of the nation's most highly respected swim coaches.
He was kind enough to spend time with us on a wide variety of topics:

Quote of the Week

Letting your mind play is the best way to solve problems.

via Time

William Boyd Watterson II

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Quote of the Week

If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.

Lucy Larcom