Monday, June 24, 2019

USA Swimming in Bay City

via Stephanie Koenig

During the 80's and 90's, Bay City had a stand-alone USA Swimming team that was affiliated with the Bay City summer league CCAA/TAAF team.

That team was Bay City Swimming.  One member of that team, Keith Hill, represented us at USAS Junior Nationals.

At the time, all three programs (summer team, USAS team, and high school team) used the Bay City Swimming "wave" logo we still use with our high school program.

Swimmers in Bay City have also represented other programs over the years.

Here's a list of our "satellite" teams/coaches, by their Houston-based parent clubs:

?-1985 - Space City Aquatics Team (SCAT)/Bob Lara
1985-00 - The Woodlands Swim Team (TWST)/Eddie Adams, Keith Nathan, Bob Button
2007-08 - Aquastar Swimming (STAR)/Bob Button
2019-present - Swim Houston Aquatics Center (ShAC)/Bob Button

We had numerous TAGS, USAS Junior Nationals, & USAS Nationals qualifiers who represented SCAT, TWST, & STAR.

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